Thursday, February 28, 2019

February Meeting: Curiouser and Curiouser

For February we read Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words by Randall Munroe.  Using 1,000 most commonly-used words in the English language, Munroe explained the workings of complicated things -- from human internal organs to a nuclear power plant.

The jokes were the favorite bits for many in the group.  Each explanatory page has a lot of text for using just 1,000 words (maybe because Munroe was restricted to 1,000 words) which could be a bit overwhelming.  Still, like his What If? it is a terrific book for browsing at random.  I'm still not sure whether my new understanding of nuclear power plants makes me feel safer or not.

You can thing-explain for yourself using Munroe's word checker.

Because we were thinking about how things worked, it was an excellent time to come up with questions for the 2019 Cambridge Science Festival's Curiosity Challenge.  The criteria are as simple as that: what are you curious about?  Participants are invited to submit a drawing, an essay, a poem, or a photograph. 

Learn more about the Cambridge Science Festival, which runs from April 12-21, 2019, here.

Here is what sparked curiosity in our group!

In March we will be meeting to talk about The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley.  Chemistry and poisons!  (The pizza is safe, I promise.)